Sage Feature - Alia Abidin - Karma Marketing

Alia Zainal

Be Kind and Love Yourself


An ambivert. Mother of two girls who can be the life of the party at an event, but also cherish moments of solitude with my little family to reflect on the day and plan for our next holiday.


Full Name: Alia Zainal

Birthday: 9 April 1984 (Aries)

Current Job Position: Head of Marketing and Business Development

Company: IPSB Technology

Industry: Computers and information technology (ICT)

Work Experience

  • It took me four majors and more than 15 years to get a degree. Now with an MBA, a job that I look forward to every Monday, it is important for the 72% of SPM graduates in 2022 who do not want to go to the university to know that it is okay.

  • The education system and society as a whole need to recognize and support alternative pathways to ensure that the next generation have the opportunity to succeed and thrive in their chosen careers. 

What are some advocacies or things that you are passionate about?

In the advent of the latest technological advancement , it’s still people selling to people. Every other company can sell the product. But how you curate and have a relationship will leave a lasting impression. This will also be reflected by a person who loves themselves. It helps to cultivate a healthy relationship with people surrounding you; your family, your work , you customers.

What is one advice you can give to other fellow marketers in the community?

Be true. Marketers should prioritize honesty, transparency, and the wellbeing of consumers in their marketing practices. It’s ok to leave if you don’t feel good marketing a product or brand. When you promote something that you believe in, you will gain the right and positive reputation to foster trust, which can ultimately lead to greater success in the long term.

Latest offering

We need more Girls in STEM ! IPSB is an advocate of Making Technology Work For You. We aim to reduce the resistance towards sustainable technology by fostering long term solutions.

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