Beyond Professional Persona: Who is the Authentic You

Five Self-Discovery Questions to Navigate Inward

When engaging in professional networking, as we extend our hands for introductions, an unspoken narrative unfolds: Who are you, beneath your professional persona? Beneath the rehearsed elevator pitches and curated profiles, lies a profound inquiry into authenticity. Self-awareness becomes our compass, guiding us through the maze of interactions. Are we our job titles, or are we the amalgamation of our passions, fears, and aspirations? Stripped of business attire and formalities, what remains? Each encounter becomes a mirror reflecting not just what we do, but who we truly are.

We aim to present our best selves and leave positive impressions on people who can support our career growth. However, this might lead us to feel like we’re being inauthentic at times. Even though professional relationships have objectives, we can still connect with others on a personal level. Every relationship involves giving and taking, but it’s essential not to force or fake connections in professional networking.

Here are the 5 self-discovery questions to help you uncover your true self, as well as queries to ask each other for a more profound exploration:

What truly ignites your passion?

This question invites you to explore the activities, subjects, or pursuits that bring you genuine joy and excitement. It encourages you to identify the sources of inspiration that fuel your inner fire and drive your enthusiasm. Reflecting on your passions can help you align your personal and professional pursuits with what truly energizes and fulfills you.

What are the stories or experiences from your life that have shaped who you are today?

This question might seem personal and deep, but it’s a great way to start talking about important experiences that have shaped your mindset, values, and character. It helps you understand what makes you unique and find out if you’ve gone through similar things.

Where are you right now in your personal and professional life?

This question encourages you to reflect on the progress you’ve made in your personal and career paths. It’s a useful link between your life ambitions and the path you’re carving through your professional growth. It encourages you to assess the challenges and achievements you’ve overcome, providing information on your present situation. Answering this question will help you align your current projects with each other.

How do you use your skills and expertise to provide value to others?

Once you’ve given a glimpse of what it would be like to work with you, you can start to promote the practical application of your skills. It’s an important aspect of personal branding that emphasizes the positive impact you can have on those around you.

What kind of impact do you want to make through your work and personal brand?

This question zooms out to the bigger picture, inviting you to envision the broader influence you aspire to create. It prompts you to consider the legacy you wish to leave behind and how you want to be remembered in both your professional endeavors and personal interactions.


Revealing your authentic self to new individuals in a professional environment can be quite intimidating. We often separate our personal and professional identities as a form of self-protection. However, being transparent and sincere does not equate to being exposed and vulnerable.

In fact, displaying your true self beyond your professional roles provides an opportunity for them to forge a sincere bond with you.

This process is what allows people who share similar beliefs and fundamental principles to find one another. This is how you construct a network of individuals who share your life visions. A professional partnership now seems like an extra advantage of genuinely being their friend.

Imagine a professional network where your genuine self is appreciated – what would that look and feel like?

Karma Wisdom | Curated research written by Anya Junor