Collaborative Thinking with Alex Goon

Our latest addition to our sage community, Alex Goon, Senior Manager at University Relations & Talent Acquisition, shares his insights on cultivating a culture of collective innovation.

Alex defines collaborative thinking as a collective idea from a group working towards a common goal. The discussion delves into the evolving definition of teamwork, shifting from a mere coexistence to a shared understanding of objectives and values within a team.

The conversation pivots to practical advice on building teams with fully aligned dynamics. The key lies in fostering an organizational culture that not only supports but also values the act of speaking up. Alex emphasizes the need for caution and respect in this process, recognizing the unique perspectives each team member brings to the table. He advocates for the recognition of multiple optional routes and continuous collaboration, highlighting the importance of finding the best approach collectively.

In the culmination of insights, the conversation concludes with a focus on creating an environment conducive to collaborative thinking. Trust, equal opportunity for all team members to contribute, and the recognition of the value of diverse perspectives emerge as foundational elements in driving organizational improvement.

Learn more about our Sage, Alex Goon