Sage feature - Jamiya Umali - Karma Marketing

Jamiya Umali

Be Open to Learning and Testing your Creativity because Change is Constant and thats How your Grow


Jamiya has a MA in Integrated Marketing Communication and is the host and content creator for the Gen Z Marketer podcast. She has worked in branding and marketing for e-Commerce for diverse industries like fashion, F&B, FMCG, and travel.

An Aquarian with an INFJ-T personality and Type 1 Enneagram, Jamiya is all about making a meaningful impact to society through strategic creativity in working with brands and peers.


Full Name: Jamiya Umali

Birthday: 28 January 1996 (Aquarius)

Current Job Position: Senior Brand Strategist

Company: TransBiz Global

Industry: ECommerce

Work Experience

  • As a senior brand strategist, I conceptualize brand identity and strategy for our clients that is translated through their brand assets and IMC efforts.

  • Previously, I’ve worked with an e-Commerce enabler based in ASEAN that specializes in marketplaces like Lazada, Shopee, and even D2C websites.
  • With the current agency I work with, I’m now focused on the Amazon United States market.

What are some advocacies or things that you are passionate about?

As a person with disability, one of my strongest advocacies is on mental health awareness. I believe that this affects our holistic well-being and that other than our own efforts, our community and environment should also take initiative to make sure every space is a safe space.

Other than that, I’m very passionate about continuous learning and my work in IMC – and you can definitely get that from my podcast! I love sharing what I know and learning from others.

There are other timely causes close to my heart such as inclusivity, sustainability, women empowerment, and equality.

Latest offering

Jamiya offers her insights through The Gen Z Marketer, a podcast about marketing, branding, e-Commerce and the power of integrated marketing communication. Listen on Spotify here.

Connect with Jamiya!