Nina Olalo

Everything is only a learning experience. Stay open-minded to everything you go through because you can always take something away from it.


I’m an ex-marketing ads specialist indulging in community building, content creation, and yoga. I spend most of my days connecting marketers from all parts of the world to help provide accessible resources, events, and content exclusively for other fellow marketers. I teach yoga on my free days and spend a lot of time with my two precious golden retrievers, Bowie and Bagel.


Full Name: Nina Alessa N. Olalo

Birthday: 4 December 1996

Current Job Position: Strategic Aligner

Company: Karma Marketing

Industry: Marketing

Work Experience

  • I’m an ex-marketing ads specialist indulging in community building, content creation and yoga.
  • I spend most of my days connecting marketers from all parts of the world to help provide accessible resources, events and content exclusively for other fellow marketers.
  • I teach yoga on my free days.

What are some advocacies or things that you are passionate about?

My personal advocacy is health and wellness. I constantly try to cultivate a mindful routine throughout my daily life such as doing meditation, journaling, pranayama, and asana. A lot of these core habits help mold my emotional, physical and mental state to become more aware and intentful in my thoughts, actions, and relationships.

What is one advice you can give to other fellow marketers in the community?

Everything is only a learning experience. Stay open-minded to everything you go through because you can always take something away from it.

Latest offering

I have my own separate wellness brand with my partner called @thegoodspace. Do feel free to follow as we offer online yoga classes and workshops!

Connect with Nina

Featured in

Content Catalyst and Yoga Teacher Nina Olalo on Goal-setting

Being curious within is a practice to understand...