Stress Management with Gladys Palarca

In a recent interview with Gladys Palarca, co-founder of Emerge PH, we delved into the intricacies of stress management and inner alignment. Stress, she noted, often results in a loss of clarity and feeling overwhelmed, “so you also miss out on the opportunity of really appreciating the progress that you’re doing,” she explained.

Effective stress management, according to Palarca, involves accepting and adapting to unforeseen circumstances, relinquishing the need for excessive control, and recognizing that not everything is within our purview. To manage stress effectively, she advised paying attention to the body’s signals, practicing intentional relaxation, and taking moments to pause.

Palarca also emphasized the importance of transitioning between tasks with mindful breathing and setting intentions. Stress, she highlighted, is often a mental perception, and individuals can regain control over their emotional well-being by either detaching from or tuning into and letting go of stress-inducing emotions.

Ultimately, achieving a better mental state and a state of flow allows for more effortless and efficient work compared to a stressed mindset. During stressful situations, Palarca advocated for self-compassion, encouraging individuals to accept and validate their emotions, identify resolutions, and seek support.

Learn more about our Sage, Gladys Palarca