At Karma Marketing, sages are perceived as the mentors that lead through motivating people. They are advocates that regard self-growth, development and learning as a cornerstone of life and practice the act of service to the seekers.

Meet our community of sages who are recognized for their experience, judgment, and wisdom:

Featured Resources

Become our Sage

1. Are you looking to share your wisdom, resources and expertise to a community?

You want to guide and support others in their life journey. Our sages get access to multiple platforms to share their knowledge, skills and experience such as 1-on-1 mentorships, online and in-person workshops, social media cross-promotions and downloadable resources.

2. Are you looking to do mentorships or start your own workshops?

You want to grow as an individual by giving back to society. Our sages will get to impart their knowledge to Seekers who in need of guidance through 1-on-1 curated mentorships. From planning, matching and promoting, all mentorship programs and workshops are organized by our team.

3. Are you looking to inspire and support a network of marketers?

You want to sincerely empower and inspire others. Our sages intend to be of service to others without expecting anything in return. A union between regional marketers to offer good deeds, together we will establish a systemic approach to kind acts, considerate by design, to support the wellbeing of others.

Get involved

Step 1.

Sign up to join our community and identify that you want to be a “Sage”.

Step 2.

Tell us how you intend to contribute! We will personally reach out to you to discuss your offerings and potential to collaborate with our hybrid events, skill sharing or mini-learning workshops.

Step 3.

Make time to give back by co-creating guides and resources! Have your story, insights or events cross-promoted and featured within our channels and network.

Got something to offer without expectations?